Pennsylvania woman almost scalped by ‘aggressive’ momma bear

Pennsylvania Woman Narrowly Escapes Bear Attack Thanks to Brave Dog

Lee Ann Galante faced a terrifying ordeal when a protective momma bear attacked her in her backyard in Butler Township. Galante’s eight-pound Pomeranian, Smokie, bravely intervened, distracting the bear and allowing Galante to escape.
Before the attack, residents had noticed the presence of a bear and her cubs in the area. Galante had assumed they had moved on, but she was mistaken.

On the night of the attack, as Galante let Smokie out, she noticed three bear cubs in a nearby tree. Suddenly, the momma bear leaped over the fence, targeting Smokie.
The bear pinned Galante down, causing severe injuries. Galante feared for her life but credits Smokie with saving her. Despite being injured himself, Smokie’s distraction gave Galante the chance to flee to safety.

Galante suffered serious injuries but is recovering, grateful for Smokie’s bravery. Authorities euthanized the aggressive bear but tranquilized and released her cubs. Despite the ordeal, Galante and Smokie are doing well, their bond stronger than ever.

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