Kim Kardashian Says People ‘Didn’t Know’ Who Marilyn Monroe Was Before She Wore Her Dress

Kim Kardashian stirred controversy by wearing Marilyn Monroe’s iconic ‘Happy Birthday Mr President’ dress at the 2022 Met Gala. Critics accused her of damaging the garment and promoting unhealthy weight loss due to her strict diet regime. Despite the backlash, Kardashian defended her actions, comparing her weight loss for the event to actors’ transformations for film roles.

The controversy escalated when photos suggested damage to the dress. However, Ripley’s Believe It Or Not!, the owner of the dress, stated that no harm occurred during Kardashian’s brief wearing. Kardashian also made charitable donations in exchange for wearing the dress.

Recently, Kardashian sparked outrage by claiming people were unaware of Monroe before she donned the dress. Social media users criticized her ego and disconnect from reality. Despite the backlash, Kardashian expressed her respect for Monroe and the significance of the dress in American history, highlighting its connection to Monroe’s iconic performance for President John F. Kennedy.

Kim Kardashian’s statements have ignited debates about celebrity influence and historical awareness. Despite the controversy, she remains steadfast in her appreciation for the dress’s historical significance.

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