Heather Locklear, a.k.a. Amanda Woodward from “Melrose Place,” showed her “terrific” beauty at 61 in a new photo since getting a “second chance” in life.

Heather Locklear, famous for her role as Amanda Woodward in “Melrose Place,” showcases her beauty at 61, embracing her “second chance” at life. Her journey includes battles with addiction, where her daughter remained a steadfast support. Locklear’s recent photo displays her joy in overcoming struggles.

Heather Locklear on September 9, 1998 at Garden of Eden in Hollywood | Source: Getty Images

Locklear, previously married to Tommy Lee and Richie Sambora, faced turmoil after her divorces, struggling with alcohol dependency and mental health issues. Despite legal troubles and rehab stints, Locklear committed to sobriety in 2020.

Now, three years sober, Locklear shares moments with her daughter, Ava, resembling her striking beauty. Ava, unlike her mom, pursues psychology and enjoys a stable relationship.

Heather Locklear in 2018, in Ventura, California | Source: Getty Images

Locklear finds solace in her garden and values time with loved ones, including her fiancé, Chris Heisser, whom she reconnected with after rehab. Their relationship flourishes, prioritizing love over marriage. Locklear describes Chris as her unwavering support, reflecting on their deep connection and contentment.

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